Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Kaneeth

An Excerpt :
Click on audio title 06 Flight To Freedom above for music accompaniment to set the mood for this Excerpt.

 * Models are 18 years and above.

“A single prognostication can sometimes change your entire life”
Bernard Tristan Foong 

    Ikram was a shy twenty-three year old. He was already waiting for us when we entered the living room. He extended his hand to shake Andy’s, holding it a little longer than was customary. As we had been instructed to do by my teacher, we were ready to touch our shaken hands to our hearts in a sign of politeness. Ikram, on the contrary, kissed his shaken hand he received from Andy. I gave Alain a puzzled look at this unconventional gesture.

    When it was my turn to greet Ikram, instead of giving me a regular handshake, he caught hold of both my hands, closed his eyes and touched them to his heart. I wanted to pull away, but he was already in a trance-type state. He mumbled a series of foreign sentences, which none of us understood. I stood speechless, gazing at my professor and Valet for their guidance. Neither of them had any idea of what I was to do. They too seemed startled by this unfamiliar greeting.

    Suddenly, our host went into an epileptic fit. He fell to the ground and trembled uncontrollably, his hand gripping mine tightly. I could not pull away and fell to the floor next to him. Dubois and Andy were in a panic, not knowing how to help the youth. Alain knelt beside the quivering man while spittle foamed around his mouth. Just then, a manservant carrying a tray of beverages entered. He came to our rescue. Picking up the shaking patient, he laid Ikram’s convulsing head on his lap, cradling him gently until he returned to normal. Clutching my hands firmly to his, Ikram refused to let go. He continued his Arabic jibber-jabber. The rescuer soothed the splattering man to a relaxed state before he finally released my hands.

As suddenly as his seizure had come, he sat up as if nothing extraordinary had happened. He proceeded to ask after our wellbeing nonchalantly, inquiring about our stay at the Quwah. Monsieur Dubois, Andy and the manservant acted as if the ictus had never happened. I sat dumbfounded, staring at this astonishing person. Alain shot me a  glance, implying that I should not ogle at Ikram.

    After a lengthy greeting and small talk, Dubois turned to our host and remarked, “I should leave the three of you to your discussion.”
    The Arab replied in Arabic, “You don’t have to leave. Please stay, I’d like you to be my translator.”

    He continued without waiting for Alain’s response. “There is something important I’d like to tell these two gentlemen.” He indicated Andy and me.

    Andy and I looked at each other, wondering what on earth the Arab was about to divulge to us. He spoke to my teacher in Arabic. “When I was introduced to these two men the other day, I was filled with a sense of foreboding. The moment I shook hands with you,” he said, looking at Andy, “I detected that you are an exceptional being.

    “I’ve been blessed with the ability to see into the past, present and the future for as long as I can remember.
